
Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Right Times To Drink Water For Maximum Health Benefits

pouring water in a glass collection isolated

Drinking Water At The Correct Time Maximizes Its Effectiveness On The Human Body
It is not only the kind of water we drink — be it tap water,bottled water or alkaline ionized water or how much we drink. It is also however, very important when we drink it. Drinking water at the correct time increases its effective functions on the human body.
It’s common knowledge that drinking eight glasses of water a day is essential for the body to function properly. However, do you know what is the optimal time to drink water?

1. After waking up
Drink one glass of water after waking up to help activate your internal organs. The water will help to remove any toxins before your first meal of the day.

2. Before a meal
Drink one glass of water 30 minutes before a meal to help digestion. Remember not to drink too soon before or after a meal as the water will dilute the digestive juices. Drink water an hour after the meal to allow the body to absorb the nutrients.

3. Before a bath
Drink one glass of water before taking a bath to help lower your blood pressure.

4. Before sleep
Drink one glass of water an hour before bedtime to replenish any fluid loss that can occur during the night and avoid heart attack.

5. Drink water before and after a workout 
Depending on the temperature, humidity, and your body’s fluid levels, you may need one or several glasses of water, each about eight cups, to arm yourself against dehydration during an indoor or outdoor workout.Following your exercise session, drink up to replace fluids lost by sweating and physical labor.
Don’t drink too much too quickly, or you could induce stomach cramps. But make sure you drink enough so you don’t stay dehydrated.

6. Have water with your medication, if allowed
If you are allowed to take water with your medication, do so. Water helps to dissolve the medication and spread it throughout your digestive organs for rapid absorption. Water prepares the tissues to receive the substance and put it to work right away.
Water also helps medicine work its way through your system and out the other end, which can be beneficial when you take harsh medications with side effects.

7. Drink more water to prevent illness following exposures
If you are around sick people in the hospital or at work and school, drink a little more water than usual to wash away germs and viruses that your body may have picked up from exposure to these people.
A well-hydrated body helps to move along any invaders before they settle down and multiply in your system.
Drinking water each day before or after going out in public can help to prevent certain types of viruses, or lessen their severity.

8. Drink more water when you’re ill
When you do become ill, drink plenty of fluids.Most experts recommend drinking eight glasses of water each day, in addition to other fluids like juice, and soup.

Benefits of Drinking Water and its Functions in the Body?
property-youStay Healthy.

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