
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Get Rid Of Acne In Winter Season

During the winter, people typically experience drier skin due to a number of factors, including cold and windy weather and central heating. The exposure to drastic temperature changes tends to dry out the skin. In some cases, these factors may trigger the production of dry skin cells, which clog pores and lead to breakouts.

So here are a few tips and tricks that you can employ to keep your acne to the minimum this winter :

Clean Your Face:

Keeping your skin clean is very important during the winter season. Why? During the winter, the air is full of loose dust and sand and these particles can get stuck on your face and skin, especially when you’ve applied moisturizer and skin creams. You should clean your skin as early as possible.

Drink Lots Of Water:

Drink lots of water to keep yourself hydrated. This tip is good all year around, not only for the winter months. This will allow your body to flush out the toxins right away. Usually these toxins are a major cause of acne flaring up.
Switch To Mild Cleanser:

Change your skin cleanser. You might not be aware of it, but there are different cleansers for different types of weather. For example, if you're using cleansers containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, they are not the best in winter. Why? Because they dry your skin - which you definitely want to avoid in winter. Switch for the winter months to milder cleansers, such as Dove or  Neutrogena , they're available pretty much everywhere.

You can also refer to other natural skin cleaning product such as plain milk, yogurt, and chickpea powder can remove dirt and grease without drying out your skin.

Moisturizing Is Important:

Keep your skin moist by using moisturizer. If you haven't used them yet, now it's the time to start. Make sure you use a moisturizing gel or lotion, not cream.

Acne Medication:

Cut back on using over the counter acne fighting medication, such as creams and lotions. They are great but definitely dry your skin (since one of the ways of fighting acne is to dry out the pimples). Winter is not the best time to have a dry skin, so I don't say stop using these, but use them every second day instead of every day.

Note: if you have doctor prescribed treatments, make sure you do not change those, not at least without your doctor's consent.

Breathe in fresh air every morning :

Due to the chill outside, people prefer to keep their windows and doors closed. But make sure that you air your room well so that the dry air leaves your room and is replaced with fresh air. Breathing in fresh air in the morning will rejuvenate your skin and keep winter acne at bay.


You need a way to sweat out the toxines during the winter. This is maybe one of the most overlooked home remedy that you can employ in winter. Basically what happens is, during summer, with exercise, sports, jogging, you sweat. Which means, through sweating you release all the toxins out of your body. 

However during the winter, people become more sedentary in nature, and exercise much less than in summer. So you need to find a way to release those accumulated toxins during the winter as well. Find a nearby sauna , go to a gym, but don't stop exercising in winter.

Don’t pop!

Do not try to squeeze your pimples. By doing this, you will only allow the bacteria to spread all over your face, which in turn will flare up your acne, and you will end up with worse breakouts.

If you must do it, then please follow a few precautionary procedures: wash your hands with soap and use a soft tissue and squeeze just gently on the pimple. Do not try to go too deep and avoid spreading that puss all over your face. Once you removed the puss, wash your face and apply an antibiotic cream on it.

Do not go overboard with exfoliators:

Refrain from using exfoliating products during winters too often. You can scrub your face once a week. Too much of scrubbing may make your skin dry and eventually cause more breakouts.

Don't Over-Wash:

To help repair skin, avoid over-washing in the shower, since soap and hot water can strip skin of its natural oils." Additionally, "make sure to apply a layer of moisturizer right away to lock in moisture."

Use Humidifiers:

Humidifiers are ideal for reintroducing moisture back into the air inside your home, where the bulk of dry skin problems come from during the winter. Leave it on at night while you sleep and reap the benefits all season long by using it regularly.And if you don't have humidifier then, you can leave a bowl full of water in your bedroom.This is very old method but still it works.

Dr. suggests taking vitamins internally to level out oil production. Omega-3 Fatty Acids (most often found in fish), give the complexion positive oils. I am a vegetarian, so I turn to Flax Seed Oil, which, more or less, has the same effect. 

Enjoy your winters! Stay Beautiful.

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