
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Tea with Milk OR without Milk....?

Tea has many active ingredients that affect our health. It is particularly rich in antioxidants and vitamins. It is found to improve our immune system, to control blood sugar levels, reduce damage to cells and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Prepare tea that is of good medicinal value

1. Place some water in a pot to boil.

2. After water boils, remove the pot from the stove.
3. Add tea leaves into the water. As a guide,add teaspoon of leaves in approximately 4 cups of water.

4. Cover the pot for 2-3 mins.
5. Filter leaves and serve.

What Is...?

Tea is a type of herb, just as tulsi is a herb , that can be found on the mountains. It is well-known that when tulsi is boiled along with milk and sugar, it loses its value and goodness. In the same way, when we prepare tea with milk and sugar.Many of us acquired a habit to add a bit of milk to their regular cup of tea. It is a matter of taste, but scientists now say that that drop of milk can completely negate all the benefits tea can have on our health.


Milk proteins (caseins) can bind with the beneficial plant compounds known as flavonols in tea. (You may have heard these compounds referred to by specific names such as catechins.) And, according to some scientists, the binding may make it tough for the body to absorb the flavonols and get the health benefits.

To maximize the health benefits you get from tea, you’ll need to drink it without milk. Adding lemon appears to boost its antioxidant activity.

Tea Taken In Pure Form Serves As Vasodilator

Take for example the heart organ. It has four chambers. The muscles of the heart need blood to function properly. For the flow of blood to and from the heart, we need proper clear channels. If we have deposits in the arteries, the heart is unable to receive the full quantity of blood required. This condition is known as angina. When we take tea purely without any sugar and milk, it serves as a good vasodilator to clear the channels of the heart, preventing such problems from arising.

As well as, other ducts and channels of all the body systems are kept clear.

The Human Digestive System
Another example is that of the bile duct. The liver releases bile juice through the bile duct. If the dilation of the duct is reduced, the bile juice will begin to accumulate in the duct, forming bile stones. Tea, taken without sugar and milk, serves as a good vasodilator to clear this duct so that the bile content can easily flow into the duodenum and intestine.

Nature of Tea

When we take tea prepared without milk, sugar and without boiling the tea leaves in the water, the alkaline nature of the tea will keep the intestines in a healthy state.

In India you can find very strong tea with condensed milk on every street corners, as a "refreshments."  But,

if you do not want to spoil the benefits of your tea, try drinking it with honey and lemon.
And here's one idea:

If you prefer black tea with milk and sugar, drink it with breakfast. Then, later in the day, try to add in a cup of green tea -- nothing added.

Stay Healthy ,

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